About me

I am interested in optimal decision making, modeling behaviours and inferring intents from observations. Relevant research topics to this end include: (Inverse) Reinforcement Learning, Game Theory, Recommander Systems, GANs and Representation Learning.

Since December 2018, I have been persuing a PhD degree in Inverse Reinforcement Learning at ENS Paris Saclay under the supervision of Vianney Perchet. The goal of the thesis is to learn rational agents’ behaviours as-well as their inherent reinforcement contingencies. Particularly in settings where contextual latent states are motivating the observed actions. This project aims to explain human behaviours in online platforms. My thesis is financed by ANEO and ANRT.

Before this, I got an engineering degree from ENSTA ParisTech with a major in optimisation and data science as-well as a Master degree in Machine Learning at Ecole Polytechnique.

Please, do not hesitate to ask me any question or supplementary material by email.